
渥太华的 MLS® 房屋销售在市场变化中保持健康

2024 年 9 月,通过渥太华房地产委员会(OREB)MLS® 系统销售的房屋数量总计 1,047 套,比 2023 年 9 月增长 11.4%。

9 月的房屋销售量比五年平均水平低 17.4%,比十年平均水平低 15.4%。

截至 2024 年 9 月,年初至今的房屋销售总计 10,485 套,比 2023 年同期增长 6.4%。

“在我们应对不断变化的住房市场时,渥太华的秋季市场前景依然健康,”OREB 主席 Curtis Fillier 说道。“销售活跃,价格保持稳定。与此同时,买卖双方正在重新评估他们的购买力,因为关于未来进一步降息、延长贷款摊销期以及提高受保按揭价格上限的消息正在出现。”

Fillier 还表示:“最近有一些令人鼓舞的政策发展,这将刺激需求。但渥太华的市场通常不存在需求问题——我们有长期的供应问题。我们在市内没有建足够的房屋,也没有建造足够适合‘缺失的中间’(missing middle)的房屋。”

加拿大按揭与住房公司(CMHC)最近报告称,渥太华的“按人口调整后的建设量接近 10 年来的最低水平”。渥太华市的一份进展报告显示,截至 8 月底,渥太华仅达到了其年度住房目标的 22%。


MLS® 房屋价格指数(HPI)追踪价格趋势,准确性远远超过使用平均价格或中位数价格的测量方法。

2024 年 9 月,整体 MLS® HPI 综合基准价格为 642,800 加元,比 2023 年 9 月增长 0.2%。 单户住宅的基准价格为 729,000 加元,同比增长 0.5%。 相比之下,联排别墅/排屋单元的基准价格为 500,000 加元,同比下降 1.7%。 公寓的基准价格为 414,200 加元,比去年同期下降 1.3%。 2024 年 9 月销售房屋的平均价格为 685,551 加元,比 2023 年 9 月增长 1.4%。更全面的年初至今平均价格为 679,082 加元,同比增加 0.9%。 2024 年 9 月所有房屋销售的总金额为 7.177 亿加元,比 2023 年 9 月增长 12.9%。 OREB 警告,平均售价在长期趋势判断中有用,但不应作为具体房产价值上涨或下跌的指标。平均售价的计算基于所有售出的房产总金额,价格会因不同社区而异。


新房源数量比 2023 年 9 月增加了 3.9%,2024 年 9 月有 2,343 个新住宅房源。新房源比五年平均水平高 4.7%,比十年平均水平高 11.6%。 2024 年 9 月底的活跃住宅房源数量为 3,529 套,比 2023 年 9 月增加了 16.9%。活跃房源比五年平均水平高 43.3%,比十年平均水平高 4.6%。 2024 年 9 月底的库存月数为 3.4 个月,高于 2023 年 9 月的 3.2 个月。库存月数是指以当前的销售活动速度售完当前库存所需的月数。








“作为一个季节性市场,整个夏季保持持续的活动水平非常令人鼓舞。” OREB候任主席Paul Czan表示,“再加上加拿大央行连续第三次降息,我们预计秋季市场将会更加活跃。”




2024年8月的整体MLS® HPI综合基准价格为646,000加元,比2023年8月下降了0.3%。 8月独立住宅的基准价格为732,500加元,同比下降0.3%。 相比之下,联排别墅的基准价格为502,200加元,比去年同期上涨了0.3%。 公寓的基准价格为416,800加元,同比下降了1.2%。 2024年8月售出的房屋平均价格为660,341加元,比2023年8月上涨了0.3%。年初至今的综合平均价格为678,327加元,比2023年8月上涨了0.9%。 2024年8月所有房屋销售的总成交额为7.263亿加元,比2023年8月增长了10.5%。 OREB提醒,平均售价有助于随着时间推移建立趋势,但不应作为特定房产价格上涨或下跌的指标。平均售价的计算基于售出的所有房产的总成交额。不同社区的价格会有所差异。


2024年8月新挂牌住宅数量比2023年8月增长了0.2%。8月新增住宅挂牌数量为1,907套,新挂牌量比五年平均水平高出0.2%,比十年平均水平高出0.9%。 2024年8月底活跃住宅挂牌数量为3,324套,比2023年8月增长了25.8%。活跃挂牌量比五年平均水平高出46.5%,但比十年平均水平低1.3%。 2024年8月底的库存月份数为3.0个月,高于2023年8月的2.6个月。库存月份数是指按照当前的销售活动水平,卖完现有库存所需的时间。




Ottawa’s MLS® Home Sales Healthy Amid a Shifting Market

The number of homes sold through the MLS® System of the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB) totaled 1,047 units in September 2024. This was an 11.4% increase from September 2023.  

Home sales were 17.4% below the five-year average and 15.4% below the 10-year average for the month of September.  

On a year-to-date basis, home sales totaled 10,485 units in September 2024 — an increase of 6.4% from the same period in 2023.  

“As we navigate a shifting housing market, Ottawa’s fall outlook is healthy,” says OREB President Curtis Fillier. “Activity is robust with an uptick in sales and prices remaining steady. Meanwhile, both buyers and sellers are rethinking their purchasing power amidst news about additional interest rate cuts on the horizon, longer amortizations, and increased price caps for insured mortgages.” 

“There have been encouraging policy developments recently that will stimulate demand,” says Fillier. “But Ottawa’s market does not typically have demand problems — we have chronic supply issues. We’re not building enough homes in the city, and we’re not building enough of the right homes to address the ‘missing middle.’”  

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) recently reported that Ottawa’s “population-adjusted construction is at its lowest level in nearly 10 years.” A City of Ottawa progress report shows that Ottawa is only at 22 per cent of its annual housing target at the end of August.  

By the Numbers – Prices: 

The MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) tracks price trends far more accurately than is possible using average or median price measures. 

  • The overall MLS® HPI composite benchmark price was $642,800 in September 2024, an increase of 0.2% from September 2023.  

    • The benchmark price for single-family homes was $729,000, up 0.5% on a year-over-year basis in September.  

    • By comparison, the benchmark price for a townhouse/row unit was $500,000, down 1.7% compared to a year earlier.  

    • The benchmark apartment price was $414,200, down 1.3% from year-ago levels. 

  • The average price of homes sold in September 2024 was $685,551 increasing 1.4% from September 2023. The more comprehensive year-to-date average price was $679,082, increasing by 0.9% from September 2023.  

  • The dollar volume of all home sales in September 2024 was $717.7 million, up 12.9% from September 2023. 

OREB cautions that the average sale price can be useful in establishing trends over time but should not be used as an indicator that specific properties have increased or decreased in value. The calculation of the average sale price is based on the total dollar volume of all properties sold. Prices will vary from neighbourhood to neighbourhood.  

By the Numbers – Inventory & New Listings 

  • The number of new listings saw an increase of 3.9% from September 2023. There were 2,343 new residential listings in September 2024. New listings were 4.7% above the five-year average and 11.6% above the 10-year average for the month of September. 

  • Active residential listings numbered 3,529 units on the market at the end of September 2024, a gain of 16.9% from September 2023. Active listings were 43.3% above the five-year average and 4.6% above the 10-year average for the month of September. 

  • Months of inventory numbered 3.4 at the end of September 2024, up from 3.2 in September 2023. The number of months of inventory is the number of months it would take to sell current inventories at the current rate of sales activity. 


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